Standard Disclaimer Clause
My name is Prof William Foster, and I want to share
something very important with you.
Lotto is a game of chance, and therefore, by its very
nature, you cannot predict the winning numbers of
any lottery anywhere in the world. Hence, individual
results may vary. But you knew that, didn't you?
My strategies and lotto system software applications are not guaranteed to win a lotto prize of any size at any particular time in any particular lottery. Rather, they are a set of programs and strategies recommended to you based on my exhaustive calculations over 35 years that may or may not be correct for you or, indeed, any lottery or player.
But... I have done my best to develop an extraordinarily successful strategy that gives you the best possible chance of winning lotto prizes on a consistent, regular basis, that will motivate you to keep chasing the elusive multi-million dollar jackpot.
This conclusion has been drawn based on the consistent and verifiable results of more than 35 years of research and testing. And, the fact that I win 3 out of every 4 weeks I play because I follow my own advice.
As with any program or 'system,' the software and strategies I describe in my literature act as a valuable guide to more efficient and economical playing, but cannot guarantee wins. Nothing can.
Other than various product guarantees which I make from time to time, my agents (affiliates) and I can not compensate you for any lack of wins. Sorry.
If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, you are encouraged to contact me at info @ winlottofrequently dot com.

© in2play - Prof William R Foster. All rights reserved.
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