Frequently Asked Questions
Your Most Common Questions Answered
__What makes winlottosystems different to other lotto systems?
__Is there any proof that winlottosystems works?
__Can winlottosystems help me predict the winning numbers?
__Will winlottosystems work for my lottery?
__Who developed winlottosystems?
__Have I ever won the multi-million dollar prize?
__How does winlottosystems work?
__What does winlottosystems look like?
__How much do I have to spend each week to win?
__How many lotto games / tickets do I need to play when I use winlottosystems?
__How much does it cost to play winlottosystems each week?
__Will winlottosystems work on a Mac?
How To Get winlottosystems
__How do I order winlottosystems?
__Can I get a FREE trial version of the software?
__I don't have a credit card - can I pay another pay?
__Can I get the software and related bonuses on a CD?
Problems, Trouble-Shooting & Video Tutorials
__How do I set-up and install the software?
__How do I use winlottosystems?
__I can't open winlottosystems?
__My computer crashed, how do I replace the software?
__Are there any video tutorials?
Exclusive Offers & Resources
__How do I get the ebook 'Win BIG By Winning Small First'?
__How can I generate random numbers easily?
__Where can I get a lotto system that plays more than 16 numbers?
__How do I make money selling winlottosystems to others?
Guarantees & Refunds
__How do I get a refund?
__How does the "$100 Cold, Hard Cash Guarantee" work?
__How do I unsubscribe?
Contact Us
__How do I ask a question that is not listed above?
Your Most Common Questions Answered...
Q: What makes winlottosystems different to other lotto systems?
There are dozens of reasons why lotto players all over the world, especially Australia, the US and many European countries, choose to play winlottosystems. Here's just a few:
• The most important reason is that winlottosystems actually WORKS to help you set up a NEVER-ENDING winning streak. Take a look at the proof, as demonstrated in our live and public "tests" which have been running for more than 12 years now.
• The software comes with an UN-RIVALLED $100 cold, hard cash
GUARANTEE that says if you do not recoup the cost of the software
within 8 weeks of using it, you'll get $100 back in cold, hard cash -
GUARANTEED. You will NOT find another lotto systems product anywhere
in the world that offers such an extraordinary guarantee. Why? Because,
I KNOW that when used exactly as designed, winlottosystems WILL win
frequent lotto prizes in almost every lottery in the world.
• winlottosystems is not a SCAM. Let me explain. The rationale which drives the success of winlottosystems is the fact that the software adheres strictly to the three universal laws of lotto. In short, these "laws" or principles reflect the truth that lotto numbers can NOT be predicted in any way, shape or form. This means, that if you are looking for a "system" that will help you to pick your winning numbers, then winlottosystems is not for you. But, be warned, any lotto system that purports to "predict" the patterns or sequence of winning numbers of any lottery is a scam. winlottosystems does NOT do this.
• winlottosystems is specifically designed to win the most probable (or likely) prizes, while playing the least number of lotto games / tickets (ie cost). That is, the software is designed to combine your "lucky" numbers in such a way so that you are guaranteed to win one or more 3, 4 or 5 number prizes. Yet, EVERY lotto game (or ticket) you play using winlottosystems is a chance to win the major multi-million dollar prize.
• winlottosystems is a "win-what-you-match" lotto system. This means that if you match 3, 4 or 5 of the winning numbers with your system selections, you are GUARANTEED to win at least one 3, 4, or 5 number prize, often two or more. Some alternative lotto systems require that you match more of the winning numbers (say 6) to be guaranteed of winning a smaller (say 4 or 5) number prize. Not with winlottoysystems - if you match 4 of the winning numbers, you'll win a 4-number prize. Match 5 of the winning numbers, and you'll win a 5-number prize. Simple, and easy.
• The results of three live and public "tests" of winlottosystems have been running online & public for more than 12 years now, and prove beyond a doubt that winlottosystems works. Anyone using winlottosystems and adhering to the four key prize-winning strategies (as described in 'Win BIG By Winning Small First' ebook) can win a consistent and frequent stream of lotto prizes in their favourite lottery. Each test spends a different amount each week to truly reflect the budget of an average lotto player or lotto syndicate. Click here to view these outstanding results.
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Q: Is there any proof that winlottosystems works?
I have more than twelve years of proof, which makes winlottosystems the MOST proven lotto system in the world...
Three unique winlottosystems have been tested online (and public) since 1998 against actual official lotto Draws. After more than 625 real lottery Draws, my strategies have proven that they win lotto prizes up to 10 times more often than 95% of lotto players, and they have recouped up to 50% of my weekly playing costs too!
Test results are updated every 6 months. To download and view the most
current, truly eye-popping results in my 'Special Report: The Twelve-
Year Test Results That Embarrassed Many So-Called Lotto Experts,'
click the blue button...
Want further proof?
How about the fact that winlottosystems comes with a $100 Cold, Hard Cash Money-Back Guarantee, that says if winlottosystems does not work within 8 weeks, you'll not only get back the money you paid for the software ($67), but I'll give you an extra $33 as well!
This is the only REAL CASH guarantee available for any lottery product or software in the world! You have to ask yourself, why am I the only lotto systems developer that offers this guarantee? IF my products did not work, I'd be losing money on every sale. But in fact, NOT one customer in the past two years has claimed their $100 cash-back guarantee.
Finally, you can read dozens of testimonials from many of my very happy customers, who wrote to me (of their own free will) to describe how much they have been winning since using winlottosystems.
If perhaps your question is really asking "Have you (Professor) ever won the big one?" - click here to reveal my response.
...did this answer satisfy your curiosity? YES or NO or I HAVE MORE QUESTIONS
Q: Can winlottosystems help me predict the winning numbers?
In a word, no. And, you need to understand why - nothing can.
Lotto is a game of chance, and by definition, NOTHING can predict a random event. By all means, enjoy any number of fancy lotto systems and software packages available online which claim to help you pick your numbers. But, if you think that they will help you predict this week's winning numbers, you're fooling yourself! And... wasting your money.
The key to winning lotto prizes on a regular basis is how you combine your numbers (no matter how you came up with them) to win the most probable smaller prizes - which is exactly what winlottosystems aim to do - and this is the only way to win the BIG ONE.
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Q: Will winlottosystems work for my lottery?
In practically all states and countries, an emphatic YES.
winlottosystems Premium software produces a series of 5, 6 and 7 number combinations, depending on the system you have chosen to play. So, if you play ANY lottery in the world that requires you to mark 5, 6 or 7 numbers on your lotto coupon / ticket, then YES, winlottosystems will work for you.
Specifically, winlottosystems will trigger a never-ending win streak if you play the following world lotteries, and many more not listed...
# Australia - Tattslotto, Gold Lotto, NSW Lotto, OZ Lotto Super 7s
# USA - Powerball & all State lotteries, including Mega Millions, Fantasy 5, etc.
# UK National - Thunderball, Daily Play, 6/49 Lotto, Hot Picks and EuroMillions
# Ireland - 6/42 and EuroMillions
# Canada - major Canada 6/49 lotteries for Ontario, Western, BC, Quebec and Atlantic
# New Zealand - Powerball and Lotto
# South Africa - 6/49 and Powerball
# Spain - EuroMillions, Bono and Primitiva
# Belgium - Lotto
# Germany - Germany 649
# France - 649 and EuroMillions
# Switzerland - 6/45
# Portugal - Loto and Loto2
# Singapore - Toto
# Hong Kong - Mark 6
# India - SuperLotto, Thunderball and Fast (9pm draw)
# Mexico - Melate, Revancha and Chispazo
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Q: Who developed winlottosystems?
There's nothing new under the sun, so to be honest, the marvel that is winlottosystems is the product of many valuable contributors.
The initial concept was thought of by Australia's most famous lotto systems expert, James Gray-Brown. During the 1980's, a young entrepreneurial man named Mark was mentored by James to learn the shockingly simple secrets of how to win lotto frequently. After James' passing, Mark took over the business, initially converting all of James' pen-and-paper systems into a powerful Windows-based computer program. It soon morphed into the software package of winlottosystems.
In 2010, Mark sold the business to me, Professor William R Foster, MBA. I've been digging in the lotto trenches for more than 35 years, and now retired, I have dedicated my spare time to inspiring other lotto players around the world to WIN BIG by winning small prizes first.
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Q: Have I ever won the "multi-million" dollar prize?
No, not yet! But...
... and it's a BIG BUT - unlike practically every other lotto players (maybe even you?), I'm stuffing my wallet with wads of cash ($25 to $600) most weeks I play. And this never-ending win streak keeps me UNBELIEVABLY MOTIVATED to keep chasing that elusive multi-million dollar prize. Want proof? Click here to see my actual results.
For the record, I regularly play a 6/45 lottery, and the biggest lotto prize I have ever won is to correctly match 5 of the 6 winning numbers (approx $1,000) - a prize I have won many times.
Maybe you're wondering ... has a winlottosystems user ever won the major prize?
That's hard to know. Most lotto players who win the 'big one' choose to remain anonymous, and so it is with my customers. But, I can say that I receive many excited emails from customers every week from all over the world describing their joy at winning a consistent stream of smaller lotto prizes because they have adopted my prize-winning strategies.
I have customers and lotto agencies who spend in excess of $10,000 every week, and of course, have hundreds of customers who spend the $20 weekly average! winlottosystems are designed to win the most probable lotto prizes frequently, and of course, keep you motivated and in the running to win the 'big one' at the same time.
A word of caution - beware of alternative lotto products touting copies of their jackpot and multi-million dollar prize cheques (to "prove" that they won the jackpot). Unless you can ACTUALLY SEE the developer's own name written on the cheque, you can almost guarantee that the cheque belongs to a lottery agency syndicate (and is therefore shared among dozens if not hundreds of players). Don't be fooled.
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Q: How does winlottosystems work?
Simple, really. Each lotto system within the winlottosystems software package is designed to win the most likely / smaller cash prizes, by playing the least number of games (think, least cost). They are a unique form of "abbreviated" or reduced (lotto wheeling) systems in which every 3, 4 or 5 number combination of your system selections is "covered."
All you do is choose which type of system to play (determined by the number of selections you mark on your lotto coupon in a single game / panel), the type of prize-winning guarantee you want to use (to trap 3, 4 or 5 numbers on one game) and finally, the number of selections you wish to cover (from 8 to 16 numbers).
Then with a click of a button, winlottosystems will produce a series of 5, 6, or 7 number combinations ready to be transferred to your lotto coupons. Each system is GUARANTEED to produce at least one (but often two or more) lotto prizes if 3, 4 or 5 of your system selections match the winning numbers. It couldn't be easier.
Focusing on the most likely lotto prizes means that winlottosystems produces UP TO 10 TIMES more lotto prizes than an average lotto player. That's why winlottosystem users win lotto prizes so frequently. However, even though the focus is on winning the smaller prize dividends, EVERY GAME YOU PLAY WITH WINLOTTOSYSTEMS IS A CHANCE TO WIN THE MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR PRIZE.
winlottosystems produces consistent, frequent lotto prizes, which will recoup significantly more of your weekly lotto spend, making you UNBELIEVABLY MOTIVATED to keep chasing that elusive million-dollar dream.
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Q: What does winlottosystems look like?
winlottosystems is one of the simplest and easiest pieces of software to use. In four simple steps and less than 30 seconds, you can be printing off a series of "lucky" combinations that is guaranteed to kick-off your longest ever winning streak.
Click here to view a static image of what winlottosystems' user interface looks like.
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Q: How much do I have to spend each week?
This question is very difficult to answer, for several reasons...
First of all, anyone can win a lotto prize no matter how much they spend in any single week by simply being lucky (i.e., there's no system for luck). I have clients who spend in excess of $10,000 every week (yes, every week!!), and sometimes win nothing more than a few small prizes. I also know of people who spend no more than $10 a week, and have won big prizes, albeit very rarely.
Yet, that said, the logic is plain and simple - the more you spend each week the more chances you have to expect a win.
Second, it IS possible to spend a small amount each week (say $10 - $40 depending on which lottery you play) using my winlottosystems software, and still expect to win frequent lotto prizes - PROVIDED YOU ADHERE STRICTLY to the four prize-winning strategies I prescribe in my literature. I can not over-emphasise this point.
At the end of the day, how much you spend will matter. But, what makes ALL the difference is HOW you spend your dollars / euros / pounds, etc. And this is why winlottosystems' secret formula is so successful.
Finally, as always... regardless of your budget, only spend as much as you are willing to lose.
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Q: Will winlottosystems work on a Mac?
Sorry, at present, the answer is generally no, but I know of one possible solution...
winlottosystems is a WindowsTM based software program that has been designed to be used by WindowsTM PC users. However, I do know of several Mac customers who use winlottosystems because their version of the Mac OS can support WindowsTM based software.
In particular, if you run Parallels, I am advised that you should log into Parallels, and then drag the installation (.msi) file across to the WindowsTM desktop, and then proceed as if you were operating a WindowsTM PC.
If this solution does not suit you, consider purchasing the essential winlottosystems guide 'Win BIG By Winning Small First' that will teach you everything you need to know to kick-start your longest-ever win streak. Click the link to download it today!
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How To Get winlottosystems
Q: Can I get a FREE trial version of the software?
Sorry, no. We understand that, in a world where some software is offered for free with certain limitations, this is a bold move. Here's why we don't offer a free version...
• winlottosystems is designed purposefully for lotto players who are TRULY SERIOUS about producing a never-ending win streak. That is to say, the price tag screens those who are not really interested in winning, and are just looking for a quick "get-rich-quick" fix;
• The software comes with an un-rivalled $100 Cold, Hard Cash Guarantee which means that if winlottosystems does not work as described, you not only get your initial investment returned, but you will also get a BONUS $33 simply for trying the program (try to find that offer anywhere else). Click here for more details; and
• A customer who is not willing to spend the money to purchase the software (ie they are only interested if it's free), is also unlikely to afford the money to play their favourite lottery in a manner consistent with our recommended strategies to win.
In short, you only get what you pay for.
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Q: I don't have a credit card - can I pay another way?
While ordering online (and paying via credit card) is the fastest and most secure way to purchase winlottosystems (you can be using it in less than 2 minutes from now), you can choose four alternative forms of payment:
1. If you are a PayPal member, you can direct funds to Ensure your deposit is for USD$67 and enter 'winlottosystems' in the reference field.
2. Send a Cheque or Money Order for AUD$67 to "in2play" PO Box 142, Yarra Junction VIC 3797 Australia. Note, the cheque or money order MUST be in AUD$ (Australian Dollars) and drawn to the order of "in2play."
3. Make Electronic Funds Transfer for AUD$67 (Australian Dollars) to Westpac BSB 033-107 Account #378629 in the name of "in2play."
4. Transfer AUD$67 via Western Union. Note, the funds must be received in AUD$ (Australian Dollars). Contact me for further details to arrange a Western Union payment.
As soon as your payment has been received / confirmed, you will receive an email with the relevant web page links and download instructions.
For the record, winlottosystems started its life as Australia's premier lotto system software, and was only ever sold in Australian Dollars. However, with the benefit of internet marketing, the business developed exponentially with more and more sales being sourced overseas. Today, a large majority of sales is sourced outside of Australia, so it was decided to adopt the USD$ because it is generally regarded as the most common form of online currency.
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Q: Can I get the software and related bonuses on a CD?
The winlottosystems software package can be supplied on a CD (nothing fancy), and sent to your postal address. The cost is AUD$87, and payment can be accepted via PayPal, Credit Card, Cash, Cheque, Money Order, Western Union or EFT / bank transfer.
For more details about how to arrange one of these payment options, click here.
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Problems, Trouble Shooting & Video Tutorials
Q: How do I set-up and install the software?
The following steps assume that you have already downloaded the winlotto3 zipped (compressed) file onto your computer. If you have not done so, please return to the download page before proceeding.
If you prefer, click this link to watch one of a series of video tutorials.
1. Double click on the icon labelled winlotto3.
2. Unzip or extract this file, by double clicking on the zipped folder. A new dialog box will appear.
3. Select Extract Files option shown under Folder tasks (the location of this option may vary depending on your Windows OS), and follow the instructions of the Windows Extraction Wizard.
4. Save the unzipped (extracted) file onto your Desktop or other suitable location. You should see four resulting files labelled:
INSTRUCTIONS (.pdf file)
Quick Start Guide (.pdf file)
winlottosystems Premium (.msi Windows Installer Package)
Win BIG By Winning Small First (.pdf file)
5. To install your software, double click the winlottosystems Premium file, and the winlottosystems Setup Wizard will start. Follow the instructions to set-up and install the software onto your computer. This process may take a few minutes.
6. IMPORTANT!! After the software has been successfully installed, you will locate your copy of winlottosystems by clicking Start -> Program Files -> winlottosystems Premium.
WARNING!! DO NOT CLICK ON THE winlotto3 ICON TO OPEN YOUR SOFTWARE. If you click the winlotto3 icon on the desktop (after you have successfully installed the software), your computer will think that you are trying to re-install the software, and this action may cause your computer to fail.
7. You are strongly recommended to save a BACK-UP copy of the winlotto3 unzipped file on a CD or USB stick after you have successfully installed the software. This will ensure that you have saved a copy of winlottosystems and related goodies in the unlikely event you lose the software or you suffer a computer crash. Failure to save a back-up copy will render your software license invalid, and you may have to pay a further fee to re-install the software.
If you continue to encounter difficulties, please contact our Help Desk.
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Q: I can't open winlottosystems?
It is rare to experience a problem setting-up or installing winlottosystems. However, if you do encounter difficulties, don't panic, the problem can be solved.
First, here are a few tips:
1. Your first step is to download the winlottosystems Premium package.
2. Then, you must extract this file and install the software on your computer.
3. After successful installation, you can locate and open your newly installed winlottosystems software by clicking Start » Program Files » winlottosystems Premium.
Warning!! If you click the winlotto3 or winlottosystems Premium icons on your desktop (after successful installation), your computer will think that you are trying to re-install the software, and the program will NOT open / load, and your computer may fail.
If opening the software from the Start menu does not work, you are advised to first save a (back-up) copy of the original set-up files (compressed folder labelled winlotto3), and then remove (uninstall) winlottosystems from your computer, before re-installing the software.
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Q: My computer crashed, how do I replace the software?
As advised at the time of purchase, you are strongly encouraged to save the set-up files immediately after you have successfuly installed the winlottosystems software.
However, if you happen to lose these files, or worse, your computer crashes, it is possible to replace the software (and related bonuses) upon payment of a nominal fee of USD$19.97.
Click here to request the re-installation files.
Once your initial registration has been confirmed, and you have paid your re-install fee, you will receive an email giving details of a secure web page with a download link.
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Q: Are there any video tutorials?
The winlottosystems Premium package is quick to set-up and install, and drop-dead easy to use. Follow the step-by-step instructions which are supplied, or watch these short videos for further assistance (click the link):
__How to download winlottosystems
__How to set-up and install winlottosystems on your computer
__How to use winlottosystems
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Exclusive Offers & Resources
Q: How do I get the 'Win BIG By Winning Small First' ebook?
This brand NEW 54 page ebook is the perfect and indispensable companion to winlottosystems. Valued at USD$47.00 (stop press - see current discount offer below), you get it FREE when you purchase the full winlottosystems Premium software package.
'Win BIG By Winning Small First' explains step-by-step how you can dramatically increase your chances of winning your favourite lottery, AND reveals the shockingly simple lotto secret that is used by lotto experts all over the world to produce never-ending win streaks.
LIMITED TIME OFFER: This month only, you can purchase 'Win BIG By Winning Small First' ebook for a crazy USD$47.00 USD$27.00 - that's $20 off!
Click HERE to ORDER NOW, and I'll throw in an EXTRA $30 BONUS for FREE. Details of this irresistible mystery offer will be revealed on the download page, after your payment for the ebook has been confirmed.
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Q: How can I generate random numbers easily?
winlottosystems offers two easy methods to create one or multiple sets of random numbers for use with your favourite lottery:
1. Click the Random button on the main user interface of the winlottosystems software. It will instantly create a set of 8 to 16 random numbers selected from your chosen pool of lotto numbers; or
2. Use winlottosystems' exclusive 'Random Number Generator' software, which will instantly create one or more sets of random numbers, ready to be entered into your winlottosystems software. To get your hands on this handy software, click here.
The key to each of these random number functions is that they will always create a selection of random numbers that are "balanced." That is, each number will be selected roughly the same number of times as all other numbers.
This 'random' design feature overcomes one of the major disadvantages of using 'Quick-Pick' lotto entries (which are often sold at lottery agencies over the counter), because they rarely cover every one of the total pool of numbers in your favourite lottery. Therefore, these entries fail to adhere to one of the most important prize-winning strategies of them all - to cover all of the total pool of numbers on your entry.
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Q: Where can I get a lotto system that plays more than 16 numbers?
winlottosystems currently offers a variety of powerful prize-winning lotto systems to play (or wheel) any 8 to 16 numbers. For most lotto players, this is more than they need.
However, if you're a syndicate, or an individual who is looking to cover more numbers within an individual system (and thereby spend more money each week), I can produce almost any lotto system your heart desires.
If you are interested to purchase lotto systems for 17 or more numbers, designed for five-, six- or seven-number combinations, with a specific prize-winning guarantee (eg win-what-you-match for 2, 3, 4 or 5 numbers), contact our Help Desk.
Custom lotto systems generally cost AUD$33.00 each (or AUD$22.00 for five or more systems), and are produced as a simple text document with a listing of all the combinations ready for you to easily transpose with your favorite numbers.
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Guarantees & Refunds
You are welcome to request a refund at any time...
__1. Within 8 weeks of purchase (see below for more details);
__2. After 8 weeks of purchase (click here for more details).
Q: How do I get a refund?
You are strongly advised to use winlottosystems while adhering to the four prize-winning strategies (as described in 'Win BIG By Winning Small First' ebook) for AT LEAST 10 weeks after purchase to give yourself the best opportunity to realize its potential. Remember, lotto is a game of chance, and therefore, by choosing to play for only a few weeks will prematurely destroy any chance you have of developing a never-ending win streak.
However, you are welcome to request a 100% refund at any time WITHIN the first 8 weeks of your purchase.
To receive a full refund, you must contact Customer Support at Clickbank, details of which can be found on the receipt you received at the time your payment was confirmed. You will receive a full 100% refund, no questions asked.
If you wish to claim the $100 Money-Back Guarantee, please read the section below.
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Q: How does the '$100 Cold, Hard Cash Guarantee' work?
I can appreciate that this guarantee may sound too good to be true. But it is. Here's the deal in plain and simple language:
1. You buy winlottosystems today. It will cost you USD$47.00.
2. Read the indispensable comprehensive manual 'Win BIG By Winning Small First,' which is supplied as a FREE bonus with winlottosystems at the time of purchase.
3. Integrate EVERY ONE of the four key prize-winning strategies as described in the 'Win BIG By Winning Small First' ebook into your weekly lotto plan. Don't worry, I'll show you how.
4. Do this for AT LEAST 8 weeks / lottery Draws, and I expect you will win at least the value of the winlottosystems purchase price (equivalent of USD$47) in lotto prize dividends during this time.
5. In the unlikely event that you do not receive at least (the equivalent) of USD$47 in dividends, I will give you $100 cash.
6. To receive this cash bonus, you must furnish copies of your playing tickets and local lottery results for the full eight weeks you played winlottosystems to our Help Desk by emilaing help @ winlottofrequently dot com.
7. As soon as your tickets and results have been verified as matching these required specifications, you will receive an immediate USD$100 cash bonus. Simple as that.
Please note, the $100 cash bonus will not be honoured unless you have satisfied all of the steps described above. The most important step is adhering to the four key prize-winning strategies I describe in 'Win BIG By Winning Small First' ebook.
The reason I insist on this final step is because I KNOW that UNLESS you stick to these strategies, you can NOT expect to win lotto prizes consistently and frequently! And that's the whole point, isn't it?
As of late-2013, only three customers have applied for this cash bonus, and in each case, I was able to show them what they were doing wrong, and therefore did not receive the $100 (but they did go onto win much more money from their favourite lottery).
And remember, if at any time you are unhappy with winlottosystems within the first eight weeks of purchase, you can ask for a full refund.
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Q: How do I unsubscribe?
Very simply. Click the unsubscribe link found at the very bottom of every email received from winlottofrequently. It will look something like this (note, this sample link is not active):
__If you wish to unsubscribe from winlottofrequently's database, simply click once on the link below:
Click the unsubscribe link, confirm your intentions, and you will not receive any further emails from winlottofrequently to that email address again. I promise.
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