Hundreds of happy customers speak their truth...

Here's What A Few 'Lotto Prize Magnets'
Have To Say About winlottosystems

"... I've won a prize 5 out of the last 7 weeks... not bad ..."
Every week, my inbox is stuffed with glowing testimonials from lotto players all over the world who are very happy with the results they are getting because they followed my prize-winning strategies and use winlottosystems software to beat the odds.

All opinions have been offered unsolicited (that is, of their own free will), and can be furnished in hard copy to confirm legitimacy (that is, to prove I'm not lying).

Isn't it time you started using winlottosystems too?

You could be the next BIG winner...

"... I have won $1,280 clear money ..."
From: "J Hendricks"
Friday, 31 May, 2010 10:32 PM
To: "winlottosystems"

"...Not bragging but since I purchased yr system, me and my daughter,
(hope yr sitting down) have won together $1,280 clear money. We play
Tuesday and Fridays, Mega Ball, and Wed & Sat PB, we play 4 cards a
piece. And 3 times we have had 3 & PB and miss one other ball by one
number. Where have u been? Thank God for finding you. Could not be more
pleased than I am now. God Bless and may many special things happen to
you in the future for helping people out..."
"... I've won a prize 5 out of 7 weeks, not bad ..."
From: "R Heath"
Friday, 21 May, 2010 9:18 PM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: Re:

"...For the last 7 weeks I have played powerball and won a prize
each week bar 2 weeks. That's 5 out of 7 weeks. Not bad..."
"... All together $23,910 - this is the largest I have ever won ..."
From: "M Sipamla"
Monday, 16 August 2010 10:13 PM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: Re: Hey Mlamli, How's It Going?

"...I am excited to say that my first attempt was just on paper but won a 5number prize
with a number 3&4 number prizes. My second attempt on the 11th August REAL I won 3 five
number prizes, 3 four number prizes & 6,3 number priizes. All these together =
$23,910.00. This is the largest I have ever won. Thank you for the guidance...

"... the software is FANTASTIC. IT WORKS, IT WORKS, IT WORKS ..."
From: "La Shon Sturdivant"
Friday, 14 April, 2010 6:30 AM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: Re: Order EZZ64W

"...I am exploring the software I recently purchased from you and it is FANTASTIC! IT
"... I picked up $763 the other day ..."
From: "Roger"
Friday, 17 October 2008 12:33 PM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: winlottosystems Enquiry

"...I picked up $763 the other day followed by $123 and then
$72 all in three weeks so that is pleasing..."
"... I can't wait for next Saturday to see how much I win ..."
From: "Friedrich Mandl"
Sunday, 17 August 2008 9:10 PM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: Enquiry

"...Well mate, I played your 10 x 10 numbers and so far I won last Saturday 1 x 4
and 1 x 3+1 prizes, and yesterday I had 3x3+1. I must say that your
winlottosystems is absolutely TOPS!!!!!!!! I can't wait for next Saturday to see
how much I win..."
"... I won three times $32, $180 and $45 already ..."
From: "Gaetan Frichot"
Thursday, 10 December 2007 8:13 AM
To: "WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: Thank you

"...Dear Professor, since I bought your lotto systems I won three times $32, $180 and
$45 already. I really enjoy playing lotto with this system for you are sure to win
even small prizes regularly. Thank you so much for offering me this great and easy
systems to play lotto..."
"... your Lottery systems are fantastic ..."
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Tay"
Friday, 7 May, 2010 2:17 AM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: Re: New Lotto System Wins 8/10 Weeks You Play

"...Hi, I have bought both of your Lottery systems (in2play and winlotto
systems) which in my opinion are fantastic systems..."
"... your systems are very powerful to generate
multiple wins of 4, 5 and 6 number prizes ..."
From: "Jason Madden"
Tuesday 9 September 2008 7:56 PM
To: "Help Desk, WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: Feedback for you

"... I love your lotto systems. They're very powerful when
generating multiple wins of 4, 5 and 6 number wins in groups of 6
and 7 numbers..."
"... these are definitely better systems to win ..."
From: "Jon Buckham"
Friday, 7 March 2008 3:45 PM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: winlotto

"...I've been playing your systems for more than a year now. It
just makes more sense to win little prizes along the way while I
keep my fingers crossed for the big one. These are definitely
better systems to win..."
"... I have actually won on three occasions already ..."
From: "T McDonald"
Monday, 3 November 2008 3:18 PM
To: "Prof. W. Foster"
Subject: thank you

"... Just a quick note to let you know that your system IS definitely working.
I purchased a system for my 10 numbers not long ago and since I have started
using it I have actually won on three occasions allready. Not big ones mind
you, but at least it's much better than what I was doing before. I very rarely
won with [name of software omitted] and I find I am picking up more dividends
now. So thanks once again. You BEAUTY, regards..."
"... I have had my first collect of $114 ..."
From: "Betty G Priest"
Wednesday, 8 October 2008 3:45 AM
To: "Help Desk, WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: Thought you might like to know I won

"... I have had my first collect of $114. The system is now paid for, and a nice
profit. Will keep going. Thanks..."
"... your lotto systems is easy to use ..."
From: "Jackie Blake"
Friday, 17 October 2008 6:57 PM
To: "WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: thanks

"...I've really enjoyed playing your lotto system - it's easy
to use and has brought me many 3 and 4 number hits..."
"... I can't believe I won 4/6 the very first time I played ..."
From: "Sam D"
Sunday, 27 January 2008 4:34 PM
To: "WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: I can't believe it!!!!!!!!

"...I can't believe I won 4/6 numbers from 7 games the very first time I
played your Reduced-systems 8. Just like you said - Minimum outlay & Maximum
win. Thank you..."
"... I have your systems for a long time & won every few weeks ..."
From: "Gary Ludwig"
Thursday, 10 December 2007 1:49 PM
To: "Help Desk"
Subject: Feedback for you

"...I have played your systems for a long time and won every few weeks, sometimes in
multiples. Having great fun ... at almost half the cost of conventional ticket costs ..."
"... I got a payout with minimal outlay ..."
From: "Aldis Grinbergs"
Monday 19 February 2007 11:49 AM
To: "Help Desk"
Subject: Feedback for you

"...I wanted a system that I could use optimal amount of
numbers with flexibility and not spend a fortune. With
in2play [former name of software] that's been great ...
All I wanted was a system that when I captured 4 numbers I
got a payout - with in2play I do and at minimal outlay..."

"... I have won $360 in 3 weeks ..."
From: "Jerry Hendricks"
Friday, 17 May, 2010 5:28 AM
To: "winlottofrequently"
Subject: I LOVE your systems!!!!!!

"...I was a $100.00 winner last night. My daughter also uses your system. I
have took $360.00 in 3 games. More than I have took since I started playing
Power Ball. I've ordered other systems and theirs is no comparison to
winlotto. Thank God for honest people like you..."

"... I've won quite regularly, more than before I used your software ..."
From: "D Newton"
Saturday, 27 December 2008 12:31 PM
To: "Prof. W Foster"

"...I have used the current systems guides and have quite regularly won Division 4 and 5 prizes
[4 number prizes], more than I was before the software. Can recommend..."
"... it wins multiple prizes ..."
From: "William Dean"
Wednesday 2 July 2008 5:50 PM
To: "WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: your systems

"...I like the 15 number system as it
wins multiple prizes if the winning
numbers are selected..."
"... I thought it was too good to be
true, then I won 3 prizes ..."
From: "Kerry Tascoe"
Wednesday 16 July 2008 7:35 AM
To: "WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: I won a prize!!

"...I got to admit, I thought it was too good to
be true. Then I won 3 prizes in the first few
weeks I used your systems..."
"... I'm still winning enough to cover costs ..."
From: "Dr. Tony R Bowen"
Sunday 9 March 2009 3:52 PM
To: "Help Desk"
Subject: Enquiry

"...While not winning the big one yet, I am still winning enough to cover
costs with a little on top. Will definitely keep going at it..."
"... the 'big' one is out there waiting for me ..."
From: "Anita E."
Friday 8 February 2009 1:12 PM
To: "Prof W Foster"
Subject: RE: help

"...I've been using your systems for some months now, and although I
haven't had the big win, I have had some small wins, so I know by
persevering, the 'big' one is out there waiting for me!..."
© in2play - Prof William R Foster. All rights reserved.
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"... I've more than recouped what it cost me to buy ..."
From: "Robert McKinnon"
Friday, 27 February 2009 11:38 AM
To: "WinLottoFrequently"
Subject: winlottosystems Enquiry

"...Thanks Prof Foster, since using your winlottosystems I have had
frequent Division 4 and 5 wins, and more than recouped what it cost me
to buy the software. Keep up the good work..."
Your Never-Ending WIN Streak Today
with winlottosystems Premium
"... I finally made a profit ..."
From: "Alejo Avila"
Thursday, 21 October, 2010 12:56 AM
To: "winlottofrequently"
Subject: Re: How's It Going?

"...your comments have been helpful. I finally made a profit
after playing lotto for many years. Thanks ..."
"... A 100 Million Thanks To You ..."
From: "Judy"
Sunday, 6 March 2011 10:20 AM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: Re: A $100 Cash Bonus Is Yours

"... I have just had our first win - ALLELULIA. You cannot believe how
many programs we have bought over the years with little or no success and
no follow-up which is I am so impressed that you have taken the time out
to follow me up. A hundred million thanks to you ..."
"... all of a sudden I got six third prizes - $159,496 ..."
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jose Spencer Lopes dos Santos"
Friday, 20 November, 2010 7:46 AM
To: "winlottosystems"
Subject: I am VERY happy :-)

"... I would like to thank you for making me see the lottery in a complet
diferent way. And that was because i read fully your book Win Big By Winning
Small FIRST. And the reason for me to be this happy is not because i won the
Big prize but because i had not won anything for a long time and all of a suden
i got six third prizes $159,496 and one second prize $180,969 ..."